Zero liquid discharge system ZeroLD - ZLD technology

Zero Liquid Discharge Solution for treatment and management of liquid effluents

Effluents treatment / tratamiento de lixiviados
CSP for effluent treatment (campo termosolar para tratamiento de lixiviados)
Innospray: demo for effluent treatments (tratamiento de lixiviados)
SolidTES; Energy storage system

ZeroLD is an integral solution based on zero liquid discharge system (ZLD technology) for valorization and disposal of liquid effluents, allowing a total drying of them with reduced energy costs.

The standard solution counts on a concentrated solar field as energy source, a multi-effect evaporation equipment used to the effluent concentration, and a Spray Dryer equipment, in charge of the total drying and valorization of the disposal.

The optimized thermal design allows to reduce investment and treatment costs at values far below external disposal management costs, easing a rapid return of invest and a high profit along the life cycle of the facility.

The spray drying, capable of getting a powder free of humidity and controlled granulometry, allows the recovery of valuable components present in the liquid effluent and, additionally, if required by application, hydrofugation/ inertization of the dry powder obtained.

Possibility of using concentrated solar thermal technology as thermal source allows to get optimal drying temperatures with a maximum degree of utilization of the available radiation, minimizing energy costs and the size of the drying equipment

ZeroLD Technology allows to adapt the drying process to any application, optimizing investment and operating costs. For this purpose, depending on flows, effluent typology, location, and facility life cycle.

At locations with a low solar radiation or with no space availability for the placement of collectors, the system may be adapted to utilize a conventional energy source.


ZeroLD Flexibility and Hybridization: an Integral Solution

CADE designs and provides the required equipment for the effluent total drying (solar field, evaporator, and Spray Dryer), as well as auxiliary equipment/facilities for a proper operation of the ZLD technology. On processes with an alternative energy sources (hot gases, biogas, etc.) the system can be adapted to the total/partial utilization of this resource.

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Madrid – España


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España

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