Renewable steam cycles. InCycle: the methodology for a global optimization

Current problems for owners and operators of renewable energy plants based on a steam cycle are usually related to the use of equipment that has been in operation for a long time. Most of the time, such equipment is conditioned by previous repairs, loss of efficiency, and deviations between the initial design and real operating conditions.

Besides these common issues, specifically, CSP plants (Concentrated Solar Power plants) are mechanically conditioned by the actual operation of its power cycles, which involves daily startup/shutdown cycling operations and fosters main equipment fouling and corrosion. For these reasons, a new approach is necessary to attack the operation and maintenance activities of concentrated solar plants.

Renewable steam circles

‘InCycle’ analysis methodology allows to systematically and specifically address the condition of steam cycle plants and its key factors, to improve their efficiency, increase their service life, and reduce regular failures and shutdowns for maintenance.

Key points of Incycle’s analysis methodology for renewable steam cycles

  • Key points identification on-site for data gathering critical node.
  • Data evaluation in critical nodes to check its veracity and reliability.
  • Plant data collection in critical nodes.
  • Equipment characterization: based on actual plant data.
  • Generation of equivalent models (thermal, hydraulic and mechanical).
  • Integrated optimization of the cycle: performance improvement, reduction of mechanical damage and maintenance interventions. Increase in efficiency and service life.
  • Optimization of the monitoring system and the sampling of the water-steam system. Decision-making methodology based on reliable data
  • Equipment inspection and sample gathering. Dynamic models of corrosion and fouling.
  • Prediction of performance and needs of preventive maintenance.
  • Plant upgrades

Value proposition to Plant owners and O&M companies

  • Improvement of cycle performance, with a consequent efficiency increase 
  • Reduction of LCOE
  • Increase in equipment service life.
  • Reduction of maintenance shutdowns. Predictive Maintenance.
  • Improvement of the current monitoring system: Decision making based on true data

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Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Assessing Wind Loads on Urban Structures

Accurate determination of the wind loads acting on urban structures is essential to ensure their safety and proper performance.  Influence of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) A crucial aspect to consider in this process is the influence of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), which can have a significant impact on the distribution and

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inspección mantenimiento predictivo

Predictive Maintenance in Energy Plant Assets: Ensuring Efficiency

Predictive maintenance is a key strategy in industrial asset management, both in refineries and solar thermal plants. Unlike preventive maintenance, which is performed at fixed intervals, condition-based maintenance is carried out only when data indicates it is necessary. This optimizes resource use and reduces downtime. Predictive maintenance relies on monitoring

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The potential of biogas and biomethane: Beyond fossil fuels.

In recent years, the European energy matrix has undergone significant changes in its composition, with renewable energies gaining prominence. This shift has been driven by decarbonization and energy transition goals, as well as the need to diversify energy sources. Renewable gases such as biogas and biomethane are becoming increasingly important

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Madrid – España


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España

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