CADE's technologies​

CADE develops solutions based on proprietary technologies around two main concepts: Energy and Environment

ZSD 8109 378X378

solidTES is a cost-effective thermal energy storage (TES) technology based on solid state blocks for solar process heat applications.

ZLD 378X378

ZeroSD (Zero Sludge Disposal) is a disruptive technology based on a Super Critical Water Gasification process aimed to energy valorization and water and nutrients total recovery from sewage sludge.


ZeroLD (Zero Liquid Dircharge) is a technology for valorization and disposal of liquid effluents based on concentrated solar power source and an innovative spray-drying process.


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España

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