Saving and decarbonisation

Minimize your thermal generation operating costs, saving CO2 emissions and taking advantage of available public aid

Increase savings even more when Carbon Emission Allowances and public funding are applied. Savings of more than 50% are achievable even compared to the tightest alternatives.

What we offer:

We also help you with the business case based on the available subsides.

(*) Investment reference (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX), including fuel cost, for 10 years for heat generation of 4000-6000 MWh per year. Levelized cost (of energy in the form of heat (LCOH) in € / MWh calculated for 10 years of amortization of the installation and 3% discount rate. The cost associated with CO2 emissions for fossil sources is included (€ 35 / ton) and the 40% reduction in the investment by public subsidies The additional advantage of the expected increase in fuel prices and that the useful life of the installation is 25 years is not considered.

Industrial solar thermal energy is already the most competitive source for the generation of heat in the industry. In addition to its cost reduction in recent years, we must add the cost savings of CO2 emissions and currently available public funding that apply to concentrating solar technology.

The levelized cost per MWh of thermal generation, considering a payback period of 10 years, and taking into account the cost savings of CO2 emissions and the subsidies applied, is 5 times lower than that of diesel and is practically the same half that of a scenario of minimum generation using natural gas (€ 20 / MWh)

Customized solutions of a clean and competitive technology are offered for the generation of heat in the industry, either with an investment model by the consumer and maximization of benefits or with a model of an energy sales contract in which it would not be necessary. face the investment and with the possibility of finding and managing the public subsides.


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España


Parque Científico y Tecnológico

Paseo de la Innovación 3, 02006 Albacete – España

Tel. +34 967 19 01 72


C/Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 53 (Entreplanta)


Madrid – España

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